There are two kinds of sterilization – tubal ligation (for someone with a uterus) and vasectomy (for someone with a penis).
How it works: In a tubal ligation, the Fallopian tubes are cut, tied or blocked to prevent pregnancy. (Refresher: the tubes are where eggs and sperm meet. If they can’t meet, they usually can’t hook up). A vasectomy blocks sperm from reaching the semen that is ejaculated from the penis. Semen still exists, but it has no sperm in it. After a vasectomy the testes still make sperm, but they are soaked up by the body. Each year, more than 500,000 people in the US choose vasectomy for birth control (source). Talk to a healthcare provider to learn more and be sure to ask about state and federal requirements, like age restrictions and waiting periods.
Lasts Forever
› No STI Protection
Sterilization does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV (if left untreated, can cause AIDS). You should use a condom each time you have sex to prevent STIs.
› Permanent: (minor) surgery required
Sterilization is a permanent solution for those who are sure they don’t want a future pregnancy. Getting tubes “untied” or undoing these procedures don’t guarantee a future pregnancy.
› Safe and sound
These procedures are very safe and usually just require a few days off to recover. Your body should be back to normal shortly. Aches, dizziness, and cramps are normal for a short period of time. If your side effects last longer or you’re concerned, talk to your provider— you’re worth it!
› Private
No one can tell if you’ve been sterilized — the amount of ejaculate (or cum) will not change. Most folks may have a tiny scar, but it depends on the kind of procedure.
› hands-free
You won’t have to think about birth control again!
Where Can I Get One?
Most insurance plans & SoonerCare cover sterilization. If you don’t have insurance or have questions about where to go, call the Tulsa Health Department at 918.582.9355 (WELL).