Once you get the shot, your birth control is covered for three full months—there’s nothing else you have to do. Some people call the shot “Depo,” short for Depo-Provera®.
How it works: The shot contains progestin, a synthetic hormone that prevents ovaries from releasing eggs. It also thickens cervical mucus, which helps block sperm from getting to the egg in the first place.
Lasts 3 Months
› No STI Protection
The Depo Shot does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV (if left untreated, can cause AIDS). You should use a condom each time you have sex to prevent against STIs.
› no (pregnancy) worries for three months
If you’re the kind of person who would have trouble remembering to take a pill every day, the shot might be a good option. You only need to remember to do something once every three months.
› Privacy
No one can tell when you’re on Depo. There’s no packaging and nothing you need to do before you have sex.
› Yes, there are needles involved
If you’re really that scared of needles, then check out another method.
› The pregnancy question
Your ability to get pregnant will return immediately after your next shot is due, though, for some, it can take around 9 to 12 months. But if you’re not ready to get pregnant as soon as you stop taking the shot, be sure to protect yourself with an alternate method.
› lighter periods
Some people experience lighter or no periods after a year. But for many people who are on hormonal birth control, it is very safe to not have a period.
› First Months & beyond…
Most people adjust to having the shot pretty quickly but give yourself time. After getting the shot, you may experience irregular bleeding and spotting for the first 6 to 12 months. Some experience a change in appetite or weight. If bleeding and cramping are still causing discomfort after 6 months, talk to your provider — you’re worth it!
› short-term use
The shot is usually recommended for less than 2 years at a time. It may have long-term effects, like a decrease in calcium and mass in bones. If you want to prevent pregnancy or get other benefits from this method for more than 2 years, think about another method. Talk to your healthcare provider about what’s right for you.
› have a back-up
In most cases, the shot takes about 7 days to get working the first time you use it, so use a back-up method, like a condom, during that time. In the case of an emergency (like method failure), consider using emergency contraception and talk to your provider.
Where Can I Get One?
Call a partner clinic to see if you qualify to receive this method at no or low cost. There’s an at-home version, too, but it’s not super common yet – but ask your provider if you’re interested!