The Take Control Initiative Remote Peer Health Education program is a semester-based program that supports Post Secondary aged young adults to serve as leaders, role models, and advocates of health and wellness within their varied communities.

Peer Health Educators are a diverse group of young adults trained to virtually facilitate community, projects, and discussion on topics such as:

  • Healthy relationships
  • Boundaries
  • Consent
  • Contraceptive education and access
  • Self-advocacy in health care settings
  • Other safer sex practices
Program Requirements
  • Must be enrolled as a college student OR be a young professional.
  • Minimum commitment of 1 semester, 2 semesters within a leadership role
  • ~ 3 hours per week
  • Complete required training/orientation and weekly check-in meetings
  • Must be committed to delivering programming that is culturally sensitive and inclusive to all populations
  • Ability to function in a group both as a leader and as a supportive team member

Application closes in August and programming will begin in September.

Application closes in August and programming will begin in September.

Project Groups
Project Groups

Community Outreach

Campus Outreach

Not Your Mama’s Sex Talk Podcast
Listen Here


Cliterate Book Club

  • "The Peer Health Educator program has been one of the most rewarding experiences since beginning medical school. Not only am I learning sexual health education for myself and peers, but I am learning information and resources in the community to empower future patients in the Tulsa community and beyond."

    Saramarie Azzun
    Saramarie Azzun
  • “I've learned a plethora of new resources in the Tulsa community and how to communicate about sexual health with youth. I've found this valuable and pertinent as a future public health professional. Beyond this, I've enjoyed volunteering with TCI events and being able to communicate with community members about free birth control, including IUDs, throughout this past year. My time as a PHE has allowed me to have a mix of educational, community engagement, and project-related experiences, and I would be excited to return for another year.”

    Quinn Leffingwell
    Quinn Leffingwell
  • "Being a PHE allowed me to learn about reproductive health in a really unique way while simultaneously sharing my passion with peers."

    Lily Diagostine
    Lily Diagostine
  • "It gives you a close view of the inequity in our society and plants a seed of advocacy and education."

    Ndeye Dionne
    Ndeye Dionne
  • "My favorite part about being a PHE is really feeling the difference that we are able to make during tabling and other interactions with students."

    Mia Feehan
    Mia Feehan
  • ”You may not be able to change the world, but you can change the world for one person.”

    Reese Fagan
    Reese Fagan
  • The Peer Health Educator program truly highlights the power of investing in the community. It allowed me to see how providing education and accessible resources can truly empower others to take control of all facets of their wellness, ranging from sexual health to mental health to physical health. I am thankful to have worked with such a diverse team during my time with the Peer Health Educator program, and I am excited to carry forward the lessons I learned as I begin my career as a physician.”

    Cameron Borens
  • “Within my cohort I found community and hope that change is possible.”

    Emma Opoku
  • “I truly loved working with PHE and the people who I connected with along the way and my special cohort! Irissa did an amazing job in facilitating group discussions and making sure we all understood the priority of PHE and the philosophy behind our mission. The quality of care established through the PHE program has shaped the way that I currently work/communicate with patients and clients in my line of work.”

    Kinga Parrish
  • "Working as a Peer Health Educator throughout college and getting to be part of the program’s development was easily my favorite role I had throughout my time in Tulsa. Getting to be part of the program from the very first cohort and watching it grow throughout my time there was such an honor and something I’m very proud to have been a part of. Being a PHE taught me so much about sexual and reproductive health, empowerment, and inclusivity. Being in the PHE role also taught me so much about myself and really pushed me to normalize these conversations within myself as well as with others.”

    Sydney Panzica
  • I thought the peer-to-peer aspect of this program was phenomenal.”

  • “Being able to speak to local professionals in the field was amazing and a super cool experience.”

  • “The sessions with speakers were always my favorite, I think they all offered really amazing, unique knowledge on things I really had no idea about, even after being a PHE previously! Irissa facilitates very well. There were also a wide variety of ways to get involved which was nice.”

  • “The speakers always taught me so much about topics that I had little exposure to or that I had questions in. I love that I can get involved in my community and feel like I can have a small impact in educating others about reproductive/sexual health.”


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